If coffee is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning or if you are an Australian coffee lover then, it’s good news for you!. Now you can grow your own coffee plant at home. But, to make a perfect cup of coffee with your own produced coffee, you need to be passionate because, the process is quite long, although it’s simple.
You need to know some necessary information about the plant’s upbringing. There are many different types of coffee plants. Among them, 2 type is most popular called Arabica and Robusta. 60–80 percent of the world produces the Arabica Coffee plant. In this section, we will talk about this type of coffee plant.
Information about plant
As we all know, coffee beans are used to make a perfect coffee. And coffee beans are grown on the Coffee Arabica plant. This plant’s height is approximately 15ft. The leaves of the tree are glossy and green in color, somewhat ovate in shape. White flowers and fruit called berries, which grow in the season of summer-autumn. It takes about five years for a coffee plant to full production and then, this will continue for about 50 years. Late spring is the best time to plant this.

You can also sow it into the pot and keep inside the house this plant can be an attractive Indore plant. But then you can’t expect the berries.
Which is the best Atmosphere to grow coffee beans?
The atmosphere’s temperature should be between15 and 24 degrees to get healthy growth of the plant. Remember that frost can harm the plant. Bellow 2 degrees can kill the plant. So if you are living where the climate is cool then place it under the shelter and make sure it is protected from cold and hot winds.
About berries and flowers
Between 3 to 5 years after planting, flowers start to blossom and those flowers will eventually pollinate and become a fruit- the berries which are green at the start and after some time color changes to bright red.
Production of flowers and fruits depends on rain. Rainfall at the right time will force the production of flowers and berries. Spring and early summer is the time when the plant produces berries. After the flowers fall from the tree, nodes remain. From each of these nodes a single coffee cherry, which contains the precious coffee beans, will form. Every berry has 2 coffee beans. Berries are developed for 6 to 11 months depending on the length of the country’s rainy season. During this time period, cherries will turn into a red color. And it fills with a sweet pulp that surrounds the seeds.
The process to take the berries from a tree
Now the question is- what’s the perfect time to take the berries from the tree? When the berries turn into a bright red color. Pluck berries with hands from the tree, after that, remove the skin and pulp from berries and get the coffee beans. Don’t take the berries which are of green color.

Process after taking berries from a tree
Still, beans are not ready to make a perfect cup of coffee. It’s a multi-stage process. Now soak the beans in the water for a few days. When you can see the bubbles on the top of the water, it’s time to take it from the water. After this step now it’s time to dry out the beans and put these beans up to 7 days in the sun. After 7 days it becomes hard. This process is also called a wet-hulled or semi-washed process. Then leave the silver skin of the beans. Now it’s the last stage to make a perfect coffee. Now, this bean is ready to be roast. You need to roast these beans for 10 minutes or till it converts into dark brown color.
Now you can crush these roasted beans and make its powder. After this, you are now ready to taste your own yummy coffee.